Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Speculoos Ice Cream

500ml double cream
250ml whole milk
5 large egg yolks
150g caster sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste
2 tbsp vodka (optional but it keeps the ice cream soft)
125g speculoos biscuits, roughly crushed

  1. In a medium saucepan place the cream and milk and over medium heat bring to the boil. Meanwhile place the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla into a medium sized bowl and whisk together until pale. Once the cream mixture is at a boil remove from the heat and slowly pour into the egg yolk mixture, whisking all the time. Pour this custard back into the pan and stir constantly until it has thickened enough that it coats the back of a wooden spoon. Pour the custard into a clean bowl and pour in the vodka, mixing to combine. Press a sheet of cling film onto the surface of the custard and refrigerate overnight.
  2. Once fully chilled churn the custard according to your machines instructions and as the ice cream finishes churning add the biscuits. Scrape the ice cream into a container and chill for a few hours before serving. Homemade ice cream is best within a few weeks of making.

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