Sunday, August 24, 2014

Honey Grapefruit Smoothie


One large ripe grapefruit
One tablespoon of honey

  1. Cut the grapefruit in half, it is preferably to be cold (from the fridge), and remove the pulp with a spoon. Put the pulp of grapefruit and honey in a blender and mix until the mixture becomes smooth.
This magical drink contains useful elements like:
  1. Pectin, which contributes to efficient excretion of excess cholesterol (if you eat grapefruit every it day reduces bad cholesterol by 15.5 percent and triglycerides by 27 percent), it also reduces the level of insulin in the blood and stabilizes the metabolism.
  2. Lycopene, which helps in fighting toxins and harmful substances in the body.
A few sips of this drink, after lunch (wait 20 minutes after eating), is able to burn nearly half the calories gained during the meal.
The magic drink has healing effects on hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
In addition, grapefruit contains a number of ingredients that help us fight cold and it is proven that prevents certain types of cancer and heart diseases.

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